- NVSL Contributions on display at an exhibit at the British Council in Freetown
- NVSL Contributions on display at an exhibit at the British Council in Freetown
- Performance by the Salone Professional Development Cultural Theater Group, at an NVSL exhibit at the British Council in Freetown
- Bishop Joseph Humper, Chairman of the SL TRC, at an NVSL exhibition
- NVSL volunteers with Josephine Kargbo, Deputy Director of the National Museum in Freetown, where the NVSL was on display for six months in 2004.
- Young girl making a submission for the NVSL
- Young girl making a submission for the NVSL
- Bishop Joseph Humper, Chairman of the SL TRC, giving Certificates of Recognition to contributors to the NVSL at the Launch at the National Stadium in December 2003
- Bishop Joseph Humper, Chairman of the SL TRC, giving Certificates of Recognition to contributors to the NVSL at the Launch at the National Stadium in December 2003
- Bishop Joseph Humper, Chairman of the SL TRC, giving Certificates of Recognition to contributors to the NVSL at the Launch at the National Stadium in December 2003
- Bishop Joseph Humper, Chairman of the SL TRC, giving Certificates of Recognition to contributors to the NVSL at the Launch at the National Stadium in December 2003
- The Launch of the NVSL Exhibit at the National Stadium in December 2003
- The Launch of the NVSL Exhibit at the National Stadium in December 2003
- NVSL contributor Mohamed Sekoya reads his poem "I Saw" at the Launch of the NVSL Exhibit at the National Stadium in December 2003
- The Freetong Players perform at the Launch of the NVSL Exhibit at the National Stadium in December 2003
- NVSL volunteers at the NVSL Exhibit at the National Museum in Freetown